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3 Big RoundUp Verdicts in One Week Against Bayer-Monsanto

Posted on November 1, 2023

The Unraveling Tale of Roundup: The Dangers and the Recent Verdicts That Shook the Industry

For decades, Roundup, the widely-used herbicide produced by Monsanto (now owned by Bayer), has been a staple in gardens, farms, and landscapes around the world. But in recent years, a cloud of controversy has surrounded this ubiquitous weed killer, primarily centered around its main ingredient, glyphosate. As claims of its potential health risks grow louder, courtrooms have become the battleground for those seeking justice.

The Controversial Ingredient: Glyphosate

Glyphosate is the star ingredient of Roundup and the primary reason behind its effectiveness. However, its safety has been a topic of significant scientific debate and public concern. In 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a potential carcinogen. Although subsequent studies, including ones from the Environmental Protection Agency, have declared glyphosate safe when used as directed, doubts persist, especially among those who believe they have suffered because of it.

The Human Cost

One of the most severe alleged side effects of prolonged Roundup exposure is the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Numerous individuals, after years of using Roundup and later being diagnosed with this life-threatening illness, have come forward to take legal action against Monsanto-Bayer, claiming that the company failed to adequately warn users about the risks.

Recent Verdicts that Made Headlines

In the midst of this ongoing controversy, three recent verdicts have shone a spotlight on the challenges Bayer faces in defending Roundup’s safety:

  1. Philadelphia’s Landmark Decision: Ernest Caranci, an 83-year-old from Philadelphia, was awarded $175 million after a jury found that his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was a result of prolonged Roundup use. The jury’s decision wasn’t just about compensation; it included a whopping $150 million as punitive damages, signaling a clear message about corporate responsibility and the perceived negligence of Monsanto-Bayer.
  2. California’s Staggering Verdict: Across the country in sunny California, a former land surveyor named Michael Dennis joined the ranks of those seeking justice. Claiming 35 years of Roundup use on his lawns and gardens led to his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a jury rewarded Dennis with a total of $332 million – $7 million in actual damages and a staggering $325 million in punitive damages.
  3. Louis Makes History: Closer to Monsanto’s home base, in St. Louis, John Durnell was awarded $1.25 million. This verdict is significant for two reasons: it’s Bayer-Monsanto’s first loss concerning Roundup outside of California, and it’s their inaugural loss in St. Louis. Durnell had been using Roundup since 1996 and later developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

What Does This Mean for Roundup’s Future?

These verdicts, while distinct, share a common thread: they underscore the rising challenges Bayer-Monsanto faces in courtrooms across the nation. These aren’t just isolated cases but might be indicative of a trend in how juries perceive the responsibility of the company in adequately warning its users. Moreover, these cases and their outcomes may well influence future lawsuits. Bayer has publicly stated they’ve set aside billions to address the onslaught of Roundup litigation.


As the debate over Roundup and glyphosate continues, it’s crucial for consumers to stay informed. While Roundup remains on the shelves and continues to be used across the globe, understanding the potential risks and the evolving legal landscape is vital. These recent verdicts serve as a testament to the complexities of the issue and highlight the need for transparency, rigorous scientific inquiry, and corporate responsibility. For those affected and the general public, the story of Roundup is far from over; it’s unfolding in real-time, with real lives in the balance.

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