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Truck Accident Causes and Injuries

Posted on August 20, 2024

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

While Scottsdale shares many of the common causes of truck accidents seen nationwide, there may be specific factors unique to the region due to its desert environment, urban development, and local traffic patterns. Our Scottsdale, AZ truck accident lawyer can help you determine the cause of your accident. Here are some top causes of truck accidents in Scottsdale:

  • Driver Fatigue: Long hauls, combined with the pressures of meeting tight delivery schedules, can lead truck drivers to bypass mandatory rest breaks. Fatigue can reduce reaction times and impair decision-making.
  • Distracted Driving: With the increasing reliance on technology, distractions such as texting, using navigation systems, or adjusting radios are common causes of accidents.
  • Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or even certain prescription medications can significantly impact a driver’s abilities.
  • Speeding: Given the straight highways and sometimes sparse traffic of the Arizona desert, drivers might be tempted to speed, reducing their reaction time.
  • Poor Training: Trucking companies in a rush to meet demands might inadequately train new drivers, leading to mistakes on the road.
  • Improper Cargo Loading: Overloaded trucks or improperly secured cargo can lead to imbalances, making it harder for trucks to brake or maneuver.
  • Vehicle Malfunctions: Trucks require consistent maintenance. Brake failures, tire blowouts, or engine issues can result in accidents if not addressed timely.
  • Weather Conditions: Though Scottsdale has a primarily dry climate, the occasional rain can make roads slick, and dust storms can reduce visibility.
  • Blind Spots: Large trucks have significant blind spots. Drivers might not always see smaller vehicles when changing lanes or making turns.
  • Aggressive Driving: Tailgating, lane weaving, and other aggressive driving behaviors can be especially dangerous when done by large trucks.
  • Road Conditions: Construction zones, potholes, and lack of proper signage can contribute to accidents, especially if drivers are unfamiliar with the area.
  • High Traffic Areas: Scottsdale’s rapid growth and popular events can lead to congested traffic areas, increasing the chances of collisions.

Understanding these causes can be crucial for both prevention and determining liability post-accident. Whether you’re a truck driver, a trucking company, or another road user, being aware of these factors can help reduce the risk of accidents in Scottsdale and ensure safer roads for everyone.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

No matter the cause of your accident, you can suffer serious injuries. Due to the massive size and weight of commercial trucks, collisions involving these vehicles often result in more severe injuries than typical car accidents. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained in truck accidents:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): These can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage. Symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, memory problems, and changes in mood or behavior. Severe TBIs can lead to long-term cognitive impairment or even coma.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: These can result in partial or complete paralysis. The severity of the injury often depends on the location of the trauma along the spinal cord.
  • Broken Bones: The force of a truck collision can lead to fractures in the arms, legs, ribs, and other parts of the body.
  • Internal Injuries: The impact can cause damage to internal organs like the lungs, liver, kidneys, or spleen, often requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Lacerations and Abrasions: Broken glass, metal shards, and the sheer force of impact can cause deep cuts or scrapes.
  • Burn Injuries: If a truck is carrying hazardous materials or if there’s a post-collision fire, victims can suffer from first, second, or third-degree burns.
  • Neck and Back Injuries: Whiplash is a common injury, especially in rear-end collisions. It’s caused by the rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck. More severe crashes can lead to herniated discs or other back problems.
  • Amputations: In particularly catastrophic accidents, victims may suffer from injuries so severe that a limb may need to be amputated.
  • Crush Injuries: These occur when a part of the body gets compressed between two objects. In truck accidents, this might happen if a person is trapped inside their vehicle.
  • Wrongful Death: Sadly, due to the severity of truck accidents, they can sometimes result in fatalities.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Beyond physical injuries, truck accidents can have a profound psychological impact. Victims might experience flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, or develop a fear of driving.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: These include sprains, strains, and tears to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. While they may seem less severe initially, they can lead to long-term pain and mobility issues.

Given the severity of these injuries, it’s essential for victims to seek immediate medical attention after a truck accident, even if they feel fine initially. Some injuries, like internal bleeding or TBIs, might not manifest symptoms right away but can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Contact Our Scottsdale Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Considering the potential long-term consequences of these accidents and injuries, victims should also consider seeking legal advice from our team at SL Chapman Trial Lawyers to understand their rights and potentially get compensation for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and other related expenses.

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